WIZ International Spell Bee is our effort to ensure Structured Learning, Vast In-depth Knowledge and Rich Vocabulary for your children through proven and effective methods.
The Best for your Child, always!
This exciting competition starts at the school level and progresses to the national level, through the inter-school and state-level competitions.
What's new?
This is the first spelling competition of its kind in India for school children
with an innovative approach that combines learning with fun and competition.
More importantly, it's also a convenient and comprehensive language development
programme for elementary and middle school children. Through this contest,
students compete, learn and develop their language skills. They progress at
their own pace and imbibe elements necessary for academic success.
Our main objective is to enhance the spelling, vocabulary and literary skills of
They are encouraged to explore the English language, expand their vocabulary and
improve their communication and comprehension skills.
This helps students to improve their spelling skills, word usage, sentence
construction, pronunciation and ultimately over all use of language that will
aid early years of growth and development and empower them with skills necessary
for their future careers.
The key thought was to engage the students through a different route, thereby
engaging them in the practice of English language.
Every participant
receives a “WORD BANK” preparatory booklet , prepared by a panel of English
teachers and academicians.
The words are graded according to their age and