* These Rules and Regulations are applicable for the Academic Year commencing from 1st April 2022 to 31st March 2023.

* This competition is only for students studying in classes 1 to 12. There will be a nominal registration fee for each level towards the cost     of study materials & conduction. The fee paid is non-refundable.
* WIZ National Spell Bee is a Progressive Learning methodology, comprising School level, inter school, State level and National Mega         Finals. This competition starts at the school level simultaneously in all the cities throughout India. It progresses from the School level       to the Interschool, leading to the State level and culminating in the National Mega Final.

* Any incorrect/fraudulent entries will be disqualified.
* Results will be updated on the website and can be accessed using the personal login id, which is your registered mobile number.
* Prizes will be sent to the respective schools.
* The organisers reserve the right to alter the terms and conditions of the competition at their discretion without any notice.
* If the name of your school doesn't appear in the drop-down list please email us at info@wizspellbee.com

School Level Competition

Fee: Rs 200
Students have to prepare from the school level preparatory booklet WORD BANK, comprising 1,500 words and exercises provided. Students who qualify in the School level will be eligible for the inter school competition.
Schools may opt for Online/Offline competition as per their convenience. In cases of bulk enrolment, study materials can be availed online or a hard copy can also be sent to the school for each participant.

Rewards & Recognition

Certificate of Accomplishment for Qualifiers
Certificate of Appreciation for Non-Qualifiers

inter school Competition

Fee: Rs 300
Inter school contestants are requested to practise from WORD BANK of the school and inter school levels. The inter school preparatory booklet comprises 1,250 words and exercises. 70% of questions will be from these books. To answer the remaining thirty percent questions, participants must inculcate the habit of regularly reading books and English newspapers. They also need to watch the news and movies. Students who qualify in the Inter school level will be eligible for the state level.

Rewards & Recognition

Certificate of Merit for Qualifiers

State Level Competition

Fee: Rs 500
Interschool level written Toppers from each class are selected for State Grand Finale from all the cities & towns.
State Level Competition will have one oral round only (SPELL IT RIGHT) Oral round will be conducted using Google Meet, one to one, time will be informed on the previous day by the respective teacher.
State Level contestants are requested to practice from the WORD BANK of the school, inter school and refer a good dictionary. Participants must inculcate the habit of regularly reading books and English newspapers. They also need to watch the news and movies.

SPELL IT RIGHT: The examiner will play audio of the words ONCE and ask the contestant to spell aloud. You can ask the examiner to play it again or repeat the word orally, ask for the meaning of the word if required. This round takes place on a miss-and-out basis, eliminating as they misspell a word from the 11th word onwards. The first 10 words are considered as WARM-UP WORDS.
This is an unlimited scoring round.
Rank holders are decided based on the oral score only.

Rewards & Recognition

1st to 10th Rank: Trophy + Certificate of Rank
11th to 50th Rank: Medal + Certificate of Rank

National Mega Final

Fee: Rs 2400 + taxes
State level toppers of each class are eligible for the National Mega Final.

Rewards & Recognition

1st Rank: Rs. 10000/- each + Trophy + Certificate of Rank
2nd Rank: Rs. 7000/- each + Trophy + Certificate of Rank
3rd Rank: Rs. 4000/- each + Trophy + Certificate of Rank
4th to 10th Rank: Rs. 1000/- each + Trophy + Certificate of Rank
11th to 100th Rank: Trophy + Certificate of Rank

Refund and Return Policy

There is no return and refund once you register. You will automatically be given the authorization to study our content and be eligible to appear for the exam at the prescribed date Online/Offline. Once purchased, you will not be able to ask for a return or refund. In case of a double payment by mistake, then second payment shall be refunded against request by email to wizspellbee@gmail.com along with proof of both payments